Common Questions and Answers

  • 1. Q. When was the association first established?

Answer: A committee was first established on October 16th, 2011, and the Association was registered on November 1, 2011. The Association was registered for a four-year term and It had seven positions which were later changed with the introduction of a written constitution in 2014.

  • 2. Q. How long are the terms for a committee?

Answer: Started with a four-year term, however in 2013, the founding committee, led by Simon Sabir, declared the election to make way for new leadership, subsequently, a written constitution was adopted that provides two years to each elected committee.

  • 3. Q. When was a written constitution first adopted?

Answer: A written constitution was first adopted by the second executive committee that started in 2014-2015 term.

  • 4. Q. What went wrong with the Voter List in 2021?

President Hakim gave up the idea of being neutral and decided to side with one candidate (his friend) and he freely enlisted members who would vote for his friend, but the rest of the members were exonerated with multiple questions and most of them were denied voting rights. Mohammad Hakim, MD left office on December 31, 2021, leaving behind an incomplete voter list and without completing the election.

  • 5. Q. How are we solving the 2011 Voter List problem?

Simon Sabir along with Monir Saji (both of them were presidents of the Association before Mohammad Hakim MD, called a zoom meeting on November 20th, Sunday at 5 PM. (Time probably will be 7 if it is a zoom only meeting)

The Association will be re-organized (but not the registration), starting from a free and fair voter list, which The Hakim Committee failed to complete.

Members will complete a voter list for a free and fair election.

Members will take charge to draft a new constitution.

Registration will be done in due time in the future, like the way it was done when the Association was started in 2011.

All alumni are encouraged to join the meeting, Meeting link will be published three days before the meeting, (Nov 18th Friday)